Apr 27, 2010

Opinion: Hill

A new segment on the blog begins tonight:

Opinion: Hill

Tonight we have a perspective on the subject of Gentlemen's quarters.

Yes, folks, I'm talking about fancy bathrooms.

What takes a "can" and turns it into a Gentleman's Retreat?  I have several things that, in my humble opinion, accomplish this feat.

(For the record, for a restaurant, hotel, or club to qualify as truly "swank", it's gotta have happenin water closet.)

Keys to a truly great privy:
-Stalls with real walls, not partitions.  Heeeeello privacy.
-Full length urinals.  Let's be honest.  I don't expect the ladies to understand, but the full length urinal is something of beauty.
-Hand TOWELS...No, not paper towels for your hands, not cheap paper stuff that you can't dry your hands with, not a gosh darn AIR DRYER!  Real, soft, cotton towels to dry your mitts off with.  This is truly a thing of beauty.
-Good soap is a must.
-Mouth wash - Lord knows our breath can get stinky.
-Finally, and this is key - good hand lotion.  No scent of course, that would be unmanly.

That is all for this edition of Opinion: Hill.

Signing off, this is...

Mr. Hill

1 comment:

prothro said...

pop quiz: best bathroom ever?