Apr 29, 2010

A Blog Mini-Series: Ankle FAIL

This blog series is about the progression of the FAIL of my left ankle.  It will have potentially gross pictures, and it is not for the faint of heart and/or stomach.


My ankle is in a sad state of affairs.

I play basketball at least twice a week.  Every week.  Like clockwork.  It is a very important part of my life/stress relief.

I was playing on Wednesday.  I went up to block a guy's shot who is particular hard to block.  A buddy of mine came down the baseline toward us in order to help.  The guy missed the shot, my buddy came down to the ground before me (my ankle is beginning to hurt just thinking about this), and I landed with my full 240 lb self on top of his foot.


Lots of hobbling, lying down on the side of the court, ice, disbelief, some pain, anger, more ice, frustration.

Lots more hobbling.

Yesterday was certainly a tough day.  Not being able to play basketball for the next month is one thing.


Warrior Dash is this weekend.  I have been training for a couple of months for this race.  It was to be the first 5K of my young life.  Pretty generally frustrating/brutal.

Seriously, Jess is pretty much the only reason that I have remained sane.

So, here are some pictures of my ankle cankle.  I've had so much worse when it comes to ankle sprains.  Thankfully, it is certainly not the worst, but it does look pretty goofy.

Some bruises.  I wish you all could see how weird it looks where my ankle brace has been.  It has pushed the swelling into a not right above it.  Pretty gross majorly awesome.

Not all bruises in the below pic.  Shadows mostly.  The bruises haven't started to show up yet.

Yea, most certainly a cankle.

Yea, more Ankle FAIL to follow.  I can't wait to see the bruises.

Mr. Hill

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