Jan 3, 2010

The Angry List

The top ten things that make Mr. Hill upset at the behest of our friend, Julie Prothro...

So this weekend was basically awesome.  One of my best friends in the world got engaged to a woman who is totally perfect for him.  We started not only a new year, but a new decade.  We had a huge engagement/New Year's party for the soon to be Sloan family, and had something in the neighborhood of 30 people at our house.  Lots of friends spent the night, a bunch spent a second, and the two married couples spent a third.  I'm not good enough with the English language to describe how much fun we had with everyone.

Good food, good drink, lots of dominoes, good puppies, fireworks, 4-wheeling, music...the list goes on and on.

Thank you friends.

How "The Angry List" came to be...So we watched a lot of College Football this weekend.
(Let's be honest, there was a lot of good football to watch, so it wasn't hard to do.)

We're watching the end of the ECU & Arkansas game (which was awesome), playing some 42, and lo and behold the game goes into overtime.  I love the way that the NCAA does overtime.  It is awesome.  I think this to myself and make a comment about how I, conversely, hate the way the the NFL does overtime, and how it makes me really angry.

Julie and I tee-off on the subject for a bit, and then she asks for my list of things that make me angry...I must say, it was an interesting thought for me.  I don't really have things that I consciously think about that are "pet-peeves", and for the most part I don't get angry or upset very easily or often.

However, after some thought, I pulled these together in no particular order.  (I hope you get a good laugh or two out of these, Jules.)

-People who won't admit that they don't know what "behest" means when it's a key term in the title of this blog...Don't make me upset, click the link at the top and learn something.

-While driving, people who come to a near complete stop before turning right make me upset.  There is no need for you to do 1 mph to make a right hand turn.  No need.
-Gun Control.
-Legalistic people.
-While driving, people who (especially on a two-lane road) pull out in front of you, requiring you to slam on the brakes, then go several miles under the speed limit when there was no one coming behind you for at least a mile.  This generally makes me want to throw things.
-People who order a steak (especially a nice one) cooked anything more than medium.  This is freaking sacrilegious.  As a cowboy, as a Texan, as a freaking human being, I implore you to never do this again.  Oh, and if it's a nice steak restaurant, medium is really, really pushing it.
-When I go to a nice restaurant and get a table next to the kitchen.  This table should not exist.  No really, it just should not exist.
-Red light cameras on roads with a speed limit above 40 - that is just wrong.
-Guys who don't pick up their freaking towel in the locker room.  You're a dad-gum grown man, and that is pathetic.  It makes me wonder what your house looks like.  Gosh.
-People who, when playing pickup basketball games, intentionally foul you after you've squarely beat them to the bucket.  That makes me really, really angry.  I consider it cheating, and it makes me want to throw people, not just things.

I hope you've gotten a kick out of my little list.  Personally, I find it totally ironic that I'm so delighted and pleased from the weekend, but I just wrote a blog about things that make me upset.  This is comical.

Blissful, delighted, happy, joyful, joyous, pleased, satisfied, and generally tickled pink; I finish this weekend,

Mr. Hill


prothro said...

that is a great list! the towel one is my favorite, because i think it would make it to very few lists. you joyful, tidy man.

Unknown said...

Chris, I love it! What i love more is that this list doesnt compare to the list of things that make you freaking pumped. I would be interested in seeing if you could narrow that down in to a bulleted paragraph.


What melts ur butter?

Mr. Hill said...

Alright, Travis, challenge taken.

"The Excited List" The top ten things that make Mr. Hill freaking pumped at the behest of our friend, Travis Bearden.