Feb 28, 2010

Yummy Fire, Valentines Concerts, Etc.

So our dear friend, Julie Prothro, is quite the Photographer.  She has this wonderful term that she coined a while back for when the lighting conditions are just perfect in God's glorious creation.

She calls it "yummy light" (Great pic of her hubby, Evan, there btw.  I wish I could look that cool in Aviators.  I would likely never take them off though).

"Yummy light" as she says, "is never to be wasted".

I would like to think of myself as quite the Grill Master.  Jess and I have been on quite the grilling tear lately - beef, chicken, pork no meat is safe.

One night in particular this month, I was reminded of Julie's "yummy light" term as I stared into my coals.  I have decided to coin my own term.  I present you with "yummy fire"...

The Coals glow so perfectly.  After we had grilled everything for the evening, I found myself upset that I had to close the grill for the evening.

Yummy fire puts the temp gauge right at 325.

I absolutely love my gril.  (Coincidentally, it got a real workout this weekend at my bday party.  Everything from quail, pheasant, sausage, steak and shark...yes, shark...met up with some yummy fire.)

Valentines day was absolutely incredible.  Lots of story there, but I'll let you off with two pictures from the concert we went to.  Max Stalling is a Fightin' Texas Aggie who has been singing country music for quite some time.  I love his music, and Jess and I had a hell of a time dancing to it with the Wilcox's and Lingwall's (who happen to be friends with Max).

The concert was at the Son's of Hermann Hall in Dallas.  If you have never been to a concert there, you should definitely go.  One of the best venues I have ever gotten to go to.

Max and the band.  I love a good stand up base.

So here's the "Etc."  Believe it or not, this owl was sitting on the hood of a Lexus in front of the Starbucks at Town and Country mall.  Believe it.

It freaked me out.  I walked up to my truck, and there the owl was on the car next to me.  Kind of bizarre.

I turned 25 today.  I am thankful to be alive, to have friends like I saw this weekend, to be married to my wife, and to be saved by my Jesus.

This month has been wonderful.  The last year was the best of my life, and I expect the next 25 to be more fun than the first.


Mr. Hill

P.S. -

"Your marriage will not survive unless the reason that you are together is greater than the pressure that you are under." - Jimmy Evans

1 comment:

prothro said...

that yummy fire made for some delicious food this weekend...that and the le creuset!