Nov 14, 2009

And then ...

I had this thought: I would so much rather be some incredible entrepreneur than be famous.

Now I realize that there are many famous entrepreneurs, but it is just different somehow.

After reading a magazine article about Steve Jobs (Apple) and watching a year old dateline about Taylor Swift (awesome) I am very convinced about this whole entrepreneur thing. It is possible that you might be thinking that Taylor Swift is famous because she sings and plays her guitar (GI-TAR) and has great hair but you are SO wrong. Taylor Swift writes, produces, designs, leads, micro-manages successfully, casts vision, and is nice people. I would definitely call that being an entrepreneur especially since her record label Big Machine was just a dream in some ex-universal record employee's head when she signed with him.

Then there is Steve Jobs who has single handled guided Apple into being TOTally amazing. I mean it is because of him that I am able to write this here blog on this here computer.

So if I could somehow combine myself into being a mix between Taylor Swift, Steve Jobs, and Giada Delaurentiis then that would be totally awesome. The world would not know what to do with a blond singer song writer computer genius who single handedly transformed the music, cell phone, movie, and computer industries while also excelling in then kitchen.

I just had to throw Giada in there for her good looks and amazing cooking ability.




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