Jun 30, 2009

Lazarus, Mary, Peter, and Paul

Please meet my new (humble beginnings) herb garden!

When we first moved into the barn, and I could not permanently nest, garden, and decorate. I compromised and bought a basil plant at HEB in order to tide me over until we found the perfect house. I brought the basil plant home and started "nurturing" him, that is until I almost killed him two or three times. Chris had to come to the rescue and help me bring him back to life, and then he accused me of having a black thumb - how rude!

After these first few instances of taking care of the basil plant, I decided that I would not be "out gardened" by my husband. So, I dug deep into my ancestral gardening roots and named my basil plant Lazarus since he had been brought to life so many times. After the naming ceremony Lazarus really started to grow and acclimate to his new home - my gardening skills quickly adapted as well.

Here is Lazarus as a baby basil plant - all alone - but ALIVE!

After some time I decided to add some friends to Lazarus the Basil plant so that he would not have to grow up alone. Not long ago I bought Mary the Mint plant as Lazarus's sister to keep him company, after Mary came Lazarus really took off! Apparently plants get lonely! Then this past weekend I got Peter and Paul the Pepper Plants. I even bought a little window box to put them all in. This is after Chris convinced me to not plant a full sized garden that could not be moved to our new house. The little window box will enable Lazarus, Mary, Peter, and Paul to be world travelers and obtain residency in the new Hill Home (which we will eventually find and love).

So here are some pictures of the planting ......

The View From our front door ... of the barn

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