Jun 20, 2009

I do - 6_7_08

I, Christopher Carl Hill, do hereby vow - before our Lord and man alike - these things to you and you alone, Jessica Ann Jordan:

I commit my life to the prescribed soil of your heart.

I vow to always follow and love Christ Jesus with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, so that in my leading, I will always reflect the Lord’s character.

I vow to love you, my wife, even as myself; so, that in this love there will be no sacrifice too great for me to make – that Christ’s perfect will be completed within you.

I vow to support, provide for, and protect the dreams and desires of Christ that He has placed within your heart.

I vow to live my life of service with you and for you before Christ…Being submitted one to another out of reference for Christ, the Messiah.

I, Jessica Ann Jordan, do hereby vow – before our Lord and man alike – these things to you and you alone, Christopher Carl Hill:

I commit my life to the prescribed soil of your heart.

I vow to submit, adapt, and cleave myself to you, always putting my needs as secondary to yours, and to always serve you as I would the Lord.

I vow to adorn myself inwardly so that I might always have a gentle and peaceful spirit towards you.

I vow to respect, admire, and honor you and to lift you up and encourage you to be the man that God has called and destined you to be.

I vow to go to the Lord daily to find my joy, satisfaction, beauty, and nourishment in Him, so that I may freely give of myself to deeply love and cherish you always.

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