Jul 29, 2009

Everything but the kitchen sink

Life happens.

I have been contemplating recently how life can just happen if you are not thoughtful on how you live each day and how you spend your time. I am sure this is a result of growing up and becoming more mature - recognizing the need to live each day to its fullest and thinking about all those little things. Lately I have been really thinking about how to be a good wife, good cook, good housekeeper, good friend, and all the while staying fit and healthy. All the while submitting myself to the dreams and destinies God has for me while staying sane and not going crazy.

This is what a regular day looks like for me:

5:40 - get up and make Chris breakfast and lunch
6:00 - walk Chris out to the car with his breakfast and lunch, kiss him, pray for him, send him on
his way
6:05 - 6:35 - Coffee and Quiet time
6:40 - Make up, Hair, get Dressed - usually i will listen to a sermon while i am doing this
7:10 - Make lunch and breakfast for myself
7;25 - Gather all the bags I have to take to work
7:30 - Drive to work
8:00 - Begin my work day and all that it consists of
11:30 - Eat lunch with my mom :)
12:00 - Usually I try to take 15 to 20 minutes to plan errands, groceries, and all that other stuff
5:15 - Go home and call people on my drive home
5:45 - Get home and begin dinner
6:00 - Try to squeeze a workout in - which lately I have been successful in doing 3-4 times a week
7:00 - Eat dinner
7:30 - Sit on the couch with my hubby totally exhausted still having TONS of other things to do
8:45 - Clean kitchen / house / any other activities that I need or want to do
9:30 - 10:00 - Bed time :)

Pretty busy huh? Probably not as busy as you, but yes I am still pretty busy.

So in the last week or so I have found myself growing up a bit and doing things that I used to really resist doing. For example: keeping the kitchen clean daily, working out as often as possible, calling all the people I need to call, keeping the house clean and tidy, doing all the errands and grocery shopping, and on and on. This past Monday as I was unloading the dishwasher thinking about everything I realized that I have started to get a grasp on my schedule and my business. Finally I have started to feel like I can handle all this and maybe a little more! Maybe I am not going to go crazy :) Maybe I am going to live life to the fullest and do all sorts of things (hopefully with excellence) ....

Ok - So that was one topic, and since I have not blogged in awhile I thought I would leave ya'll with some more random thoughts.

I am a pretty avid blog reader. I love other people's blogs. I love to read about how other people approach life in any way shape or form. Recently I realized that I am much more comfortable discussing deep issues on this here blog of mine that I am telling you all what Chris and I did this past weekend! I have no idea why? Maybe it is because I do not feel like telling everyone what we did this past weekend will actually help or encourage anybody, YET I love to read what everyone else did on their weekends - makes me feel like I know whats going on with them. Yet to tell the blogosphere what we did makes me feel like I am divulging too much personal information to the world, and again YET I am totally comfortable telling the world my most deep thoughts and feelings! Someone please explain that to me!!!!!

On to another topic - just to keep you all interested and maybe moderately confused!

As a young married woman I talk to a lot of people about marriage. I talk to a lot of other young married women about marriage. Last fall on this blog Chris and I committed to ya'll that we would discuss marriage topics and things we have learned and applied to our marriage. Simply for the benefit of you all to just know how and what we do. In the simple hope that maybe our stories and advice will encourage you on a hard day, or give you some ammunition when you do have a hard day.

So - I wanted to share with you all the best piece of marriage advice I have EVER gotten. I got it from an incredibly wise woman named Martha who goes to the church my parents go to, and she gave it to me as my wedding shower. Now the shower Houston Worship Centre threw for me was incredible because all the women there were asked to write me a card telling me the best piece of advice they could give about marriage. It was awesome because most of the women there had been married 15 plus years. Now Ms. Martha has been married for a very long time and it is very obvious that she respects her husband and he respects her and it is obvious they are still very much in love. At my wedding shower she shared with me this verse:
" Wives, be subject (be submissive and adapt yourselves) to your own husbands as a [service] to the Lord." Ephesians 5:22
Now do not tune me out and think I am being all legalistic. I am NOT. I am sharing with you one of my best kept secrets where the Lord really revealed something cool to me through Ms. Martha. This particular verse is out of the amplified Bible and uses the word adapt - unlike many other versions. Ms. Martha explained to me that I must expect to adapt myself to my husband so that we can be joined together as one person. She explained that I must not bring all these crazy expectations into my marriage about how I want my husband to be, but that I must enter marriage with the expectation of adapting and becoming like my husband. That means that instead of wanting to come in and change him, that I needed to come into marriage and change for him. Now again - do not get all upset and tune me out. I brought a lot of good things to mine and Chris's marriage. I am not a carbon copy of Chris and I never will be, but I came in with that expectation Chris and I would be able to create something new for ourselves and our family. So Chris was able to mold and shape our family with out feeling like I was out to control his every move. And - do you know what happened??? I ended up getting exactly what I wanted because I gave up control and was willing to go with the flow and adapt myself to my husband. Sounds crazy huh? It totally worked and I can honestly tell you being joined with another human being was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be because I entered expecting to be joined instead of expecting to mold him to look like me! :)

Ok - ready for another topic change?

Last night I made chicken pastina by Giada and man was it yummy! I highly recommend adding this to your repertoire of recipes. I did make a few changes (like I always do):
  • I marinated the chicken in Italian dressing and soy sauce and grilled it
  • I used about a cup of bread crumbs and 1/2 cup of Parmesan (instead of 1/4 cup of each
Also the night before I made BBQ salmon and man was it yummy! Another recipe that I highly recommend! I found this recipe on faithful provisions. com (see on my blog for link).

Just click the links to find the recipe

ONE more topic change!

So I thought it would be appropriate to tell ya'll what we did last weekend, since I feel I need to be better about updating you all on our lives.

Friday: Chris and I went down to the Heights in Houston and ate dinner with Silva and she let us spend the night with her. We ate at this awesome Mexican / Cuban restaurant called El Rey which was really yummy! After that we went back to her apartment and hung out with some friends and made these drinks called Cable Cars.
Saturday: Chris went home and Silva and I had lunch with Liz - which was fun :)
Saturday night: Chris and I had dinner with a couple from his work at Good Co BBQ (really yummy)
Sunday: My dad had this business man from Pakistan come for lunch, so we did not get to go to church. Instead the entire family had to quickly clean the house and make a super gourmet meal, and then entertain this new business man. I made this incredible Texas sheet cake that was literally out of this world! After that I went to the HEB to do the grocery shopping and then we had dinner and watched The Next Foodnetwork star!

So that is what we did last weekend!

Now that I have talked about 15 different subjects I will leave it at that. Hope all is well in your world! If you feel like sharing any good stories with us please do!

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