Pronunciation: \kən-ˈsis-tənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin consistent-, consistens, present participle of consistere
Date: 1638
1archaic : possessing firmness or coherence
2 a: marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity : free from variation or contradiction consistent style in painting> b:marked by agreement : compatible —usually used with with
— con·sis·tent·ly \-lē\ adverb
Those things in red. Those are my desires as a husband. That is my heart: to remain consistent as a man, husband, leader, lover, spiritual man. Why?
-“Consistent” means “Safe” in wife speak. I want my home to be a greenhouse for my wife to bloom in. Sheltered, protected, loved, desired, and safe from the battering of the world that would seek to leave her maimed and tattered and dreamless. My home will be a place for her dreams to come alive. I set the standard. I am the leader. I must be consistent in my word, in my action, in my relationship, and in my Faith. I truly believe that when Jess opens her eyes every morning and awakes into this home, that every day she will awake to a safe place to become the woman that Christ set her apart to be. Nothing else will do. Too much is at stake. Her heart it too precious to my Master and to me. “Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).”
-It is my duty and heart’s desire to Consistently reflect Christ in my marriage. The head of every man is Christ. The head of every woman is man. Men were created in the image of Christ, and the woman taken out of the man. The Greek word for image is IKONE. A reflection. My wife is (and someday my children will be) a reflection of my relationship with Christ. If it is healthy, intimate, consistent, passionate, and from a servant’s heart; then my relationship with Jessica will be all those things. She will be healthy in every way. Conversely, if my relationship with Christ is twisted, from a far, full of variation, disheartened, and from a selfish heart; then my relationship with Jessica will be all of those things. She will be sick in every way. (See 1 Cor 11) I want to consistently reflect Christ and His love for me.
-His love is Consistent. He served when He was spat upon. He forgave when He was murdered. He kept no record of the wrongs paid to Him. He died for His Bride’s freedom. His love and action through it never varied, but He was a constant and faithful reflection of His Father’s character, love, and desire to the Church.
So, in a summarizing and practical sense, what does that mean? I like practical. I am a big fan of things that can be practiced – that means that you can do them and get better at them! So, this means that when I come home from stress, traders, f-bombs, non-stop, and trials – a.k.a. work – I do the dishes. Yup. I come home from those things and attend to Jess no matter how I feel. MY CRY before the Lord is that the question, “what about me?” NEVER be able to enter my heart or mind. It never entered His mind when He hung on that cross. I am thankful for that. So, I listen to her heart at night when I want to sleep so bad it literally hurts. I take out the trash. I deep clean the bathroom when I want to sit on the couch. I watch Project Runway instead of Sportscenter. I watch Giadda Delorentis shows because my wife is obsessed with cooking. J I listen when I want to talk. I listen when I want to do things that boys want to do. I encourage, I love, I bless. I do not speak out of anger. I do not lose my temper. I do not shout. I remain consistent.
Sadly, I am still human. I struggle a great deal. These things require choices that are often difficult. Sometimes I do not make the proper choice. Nonetheless, my wife is correct when she said that God is for marriage and that He will fight for it. He fights in me. He changes things in me when I ask Him. I believe that when I want to be more like Him, He makes it happen. He is good. Marriage is good. He made marriage, and He made it good.
Mr. Hill